Getting ready to launch

kickstarter-logo-k-colorI’ve been working hard to get the Kickstarter project ready for launch.  The target launch date is Sept. 1.

Most of the project is ready.  The biggest part, however, is the project video which still needs to be done.  That means digging out the lighting kit and the backdrop.  My older two kids are involved in theatre and for the last two years, I’ve been doing headshots for the company — hence the studio lighting.

I also need to build a photo gallery of the chess set and individual pieces to include on the project page.  The photos are done; I need to select the ones to use, edit/crop them, and upload them.  The last real task is to build a graph of the timeline to give potential backers an idea of what will happen when.

Then it will be time to show it to a few folks I know who have run crowdfunded projects previously or who have backed other projects to get their feedback.

It’s an exciting time and I’m really looking forward to what will certainly be a roller-coaster of a journey.  I hope you’ll be along for the ride as well!


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